Hello, everyone, it is finally 2023 and in this post, I’m going to talk about something a bit unusual or at least out of my comfort zone.
I will be talking about my first Babrie doll collection.
The collection of Barbie x Mark Ryden was released in November 2022.
When I saw the collection I instantly knew that I wanted to get one of their Barbie dolls. The collection released four Barbie dolls.
One of the collection
Is the nature queen and it was made only once so I personally assume it is in the Mattel collection.
The other three collections made around 20,000 from each doll are Pink Barbie Doll. It was on my list of trying to get but unfortunately, the Mattel site crashed and it was one of the few dolls that was instantly sold out.
The other that I would consider the most expensive (and obviously sold out right before I end up trying to click to purchase) is the Surrealist black and white doll.
Last but not least after I spent around two hours waiting for Mattel for their sites to be fixed due to the high volume it just crashed. Anyway, I managed to get the Barbie Bee Doll.
Honestly, when I saw that my phone camera didn’t do justice it was just too many beautiful details from noticing the bee wings that give a sheer, the hand details, and the feet. I’m pretty obsessed with the Barbie Bee makeup look. Gives around 1920 meet 1950 going full of Vogue goth.
Fun fact the Surrealist art movement started in 1920 after WWI and it comes from the Dadaism movement.
I’m pretty happy with my purchase and it was worth investing the $200.
I do believe that the Surrealism movement is giving a comeback with some new meaning but that is the research that I’m doing for a thesis.
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