Hello, everyone! Had you ever wished to have a well-known designer bag but you just want to be money savvy? Well luckily for you people call me the thrifting queen and as a thrifting queen, I enjoy having some designer items from bags to clothes.
If you have no idea where to start, consider getting a personal shopper who can get you what you need. There are several advantages to having a personal shopper as they can help you save time. Personal shoppers also have their fingers on the pulse and can get the best deals. If you live in the area, then a Cincinnati personal shopper could be of immense help as there is a great deal of designer bags in Cincinnati.
I’m all for saving money and leave fewer carbon footprints so here are tips on where I find good prices of hand-bags.
I think the majority use Depop even I buy and sell stuff on Depop it’s pretty easy to navigate and find what you exactly want but one of the cons sides of using Depop when it comes to finding an authentic designer bag is to be extra careful and ask the seller if it is legit and to show them the evidence that the item is actually authentic. How can you know? Usually, when it comes to a high-end designer brand they always have a code inside their bags, a dust bag, and a card so ask for it, and if they don’t have it make sure they show the receipt if not then leave it!
I personally don’t use much Poshmark but people rave about it. Same as Depop when it comes to finding a luxury designer handbag. Read the seller detail description make sure that they’re showing every part of the bag’s condition and the authenticity. Again, if you’re not quite sure if the bag is real or not ask the seller and trust your guts. If you are still not convinced google the name of the brand that you’re looking for and search the word “how to spot a counterfeit purse”. There you will find every single detail and one of the things they will tell you is that pay attention to the fabric how it sews and the logo.
A legit site where you can rest assured that they only sell high-end authentic bags. One of the things that I like about Rebag is that the expertise is well to make sure that they are selling you the real deal and they will tell you how the condition is plus if you sign up you will get a $200 off from your first purchases. Not so bad, right?
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